

You can order The Tithing Dilemma here: Order Book .    


Listen: to the Reading of the chapters in this book by Tom Parks or Charlie Corder.
Click on a Chapter Title to view the text of the chapter of interest
then click one of the corresponding MP3 links
found in the table below.


ASK is grateful to our contributors who make it possible for this book to be posted free Online for you. It is to be read and printed for personal study only, and is made available for study search on the ASK website. Any use of this book other than for your personal study without the express written permission by Associates for Scriptural Knowledge is strictly forbidden. 


Chapter Content and Audio Tracks for this book:

Chapter Title (Click to read online)

Read by Tom Parks
Byte Show Interview Reading Read by Charlie Corder
blue star marker Opening Credits MP3  MP3 (opening, intro, chapters 1-4) --
blue star marker Introduction MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Chapter 1 - The Sin of Tithing Today MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Chapter 2 - The Real Tithe of the Bible MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Chapter 3 - Jews Do Not Tithe Today MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Chapter 4 - The Dilemma Facing Christian Ministers MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Chapter 5 - A History of Tithing MP3 MP3 (chapters 5-7) MP3
blue star marker Chapter 6 - The Mosaic Law of Tithing MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Chapter 7 - Tithing in the Wilderness and Canaan MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Chapter 8 - The Levites' Place in Society MP3 MP3 (chapters 8-9) MP3
blue star marker Chapter 9 - "Stealing" from God? MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Chapter 10 - The New Testament and Tithing MP3 MP3 (chapters 10-11) MP3
blue star marker Chapter 11 - Financing the Work of Christian Organizations MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Chapter 12 - A Change in the Law? MP3 MP3 (chapters 12-14) MP3
blue star marker Chapter 13 - The Legal Position of Christians Today MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Chapter 14 - Financing a Church Organiztion MP3 -- MP3
blue star marker Closing Credits MP3 -- --

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