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Temple Interview
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In Search of King Solomon's Temple
- September 2013
Professor George Wesley Buchanan writes: I was standing alone in the Kidron Valley at the edge of Jerusalem, gazing at the long, steep western bank of the valley, at the place where the Spring of Siloam used to pour out tons of water each minute into Hezekiah's Tunnel. I had been there many times before, but I never before had an experience like that. I suddenly remembered Ezekiel chapter 47 and realized that the temple at Jerusalem had to have been located right there near the Spring of Siloam and not up the hill in the heavily walled area about 1,000 feet to the north where the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque are now located. |
The Tomb of David and Psalm 30
- February 2008
As I wrote previously, Psalm 30 has a direct relation to the Tomb of King David of Israel. This article will show that relationship in light of 2 Samuel 7:18?29. Then I shall analyze Psalm 30 which is David's answer to God's sentence of death upon David, God's beloved, by God making "the house of David" which is the Tomb of David. |
The Location and Future Discovery of King David's Tomb
- October 2006
The location of the Tombs of King David and his family can be easily understood once the proper site of the Temples of God is taken into account. If the biblical and historical evidence is correctly understood (and I believe it is), then what those Tombs could contain would change the world and lead millions to accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah, starting from Jerusalem. |
Running Water in the Temple of Zion
- January 2005
Professor George Wesley Buchanan: "When I thought of Ezekiel's account of the way the water would flow out from under the threshold of the temple and on down to the Dead Sea where it sweetened the water of the Dead Sea (Ezekiel 47:1), I immediately realized that the Jerusalem temple had to be located on the ridge above the spring of Siloam and not on the dry mound where the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque are now located. Ezekiel was a good geographer. He had lived in Jerusalem, and he knew the topography and geography of the land. Ezekiel was one of the First Testament authors to identify the boundaries of the Promised Land. He was not just imagining the way things had once been." |
The House of David
- August 2004
The phrase "House of David" is not surprisingly thought to mean the family or the descendants of David. It denotes the kingly line of Judah and all those who had David as their physical forefather. Jesus had David as His forefather and He was in line to occupy the Throne of David. Clearly it does mean this in the majority of instances. It also means on occasion ? quite surprisingly ? something else. It specifies a location, a physical place, that has great importance, if understood correctly in context. This second meaning is the subject of this article. |
The Temple Symbolism in Genesis
- March 2004
The Bible is consistent from Genesis to Revelation. The matter of the Temple and its symbolism is an example of this. In this Exposition we show the beginning and ending of God's plan for the redemption of mankind. It is a glorious plan from which God has never varied ? in the typical sense. |
The Tower of Siloam
- December 2003
Professor George Wesley Buchanan: "As soon as I arrived in Israel (July-August, 2000) I went at once to Jerusalem, where I had previously lived for two years, and the first day I was there I walked to the City of David, which I had seen many times. I was there after Kathleen Kenyon said the City of David was not on the Dome of the Rock, but down near the spring of Siloam. Most people did not believe her, and I had serious doubts. How could David's holy city be this little town of about 10?12 acres, about ? of a mile long and 1/3 mile wide?". |
The Pattern of the Temple
- November 2003
The first Temple built by Solomon was constructed from plans given by God to David. When God refused David permission to build the Temple (2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chronicles 17), David took the plans and gave them to his son and designated heir, Solomon (1 Chronicles 28:1?19). Solomon constructed the Temple according to those plans. This article will discuss the details of the plan. |
A Name for the Temple of God
- September 2002
The Temple of God was called by several names by the Israel after the time of Samuel. One of those names was "The House of the Name" or Beth Shem in Hebrew. This is abundantly shown in many verses of the bible, especially in the books of Kings, Chronicles and Jeremiah. |
New Review of the Temples That Jerusalem Forgot
- August 2002
This review of The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot from the August 2002 issue of the MetroLutheran Review was written by the newspaper's editor Michael L. Sherer. |
Water Management in Herod's Temple
- January 2002
Just a few years ago (as late as 1995) all people in the world believed the Jewish Temples in Jerusalem were never lost from sight by modern man. It was universally agreed that the former Temples were once located somewhere east of the "Wailing Wall" and inside the Haram esh-Sharif. Yes, this is what the whole world accepted, but things are different now. |
Major 'Keys' in Discovering the Lost Temples of Jerusalem
- November 2001
THERE WAS AN ATMOSPHERIC "SPRING" WITHIN THE TEMPLE A trickling water flow was produced by a mechanical supersaturation device that utilized the formation of dew as its water source. |
A Critique by Dr. Leen Ritmeyer and a rebuttal by Dr. Ernest L. Martin
- May 2001
A Critique by Dr. Leen Ritmeyer and a Rebuttal to Ritmeyer by Dr. Ernest L. Martin Concerning the New Research of Ernest L. Martin regarding the true site of the Temple in Jerusalem. |
Maimonides - Saint and Heretic
- March 2001
The title of this Doctrinal Report may at first seem strange to some individuals. This is because the word "and" signifies that the great Jewish philosopher Maimonides (who died at the beginning of the thirteenth century) was both a saint AND a heretic. That's right! That is precisely what I am intending to state in the title. And, the statement is entirely true in the manner in which I intend it. It all depends on what one means by the words "saint" and "heretic." |
Special Historical Report
- May 1997
Scriptural and secular historical evidence proves without a shadow of doubt that the Temple of God built by Solomon and the later Temple built by Zerubbabel after the Babylonian Captivity were both constructed about a third of a mile south of the Dome of the Rock (the place where all people today erroneously believe the original Temples of God were built). |
The Temple Mount and Fort Antonia
- May 1998
We all remember the proverb that a picture is worth a thousand words. This is so true. When we are able to view a site that we have been reading or hearing about, the historical and architectural information associated with the area becomes much more meaningful and the subject better understood. |
The Secret Key to the Dome of the Rock
- October 1999
There is a key message found within two inscriptions in Arabic inscribed on the first cornice supported by large columns that encircles the interior region of the Dome of the Rock. One inscription is found on the outside area of the cornice and the other on the inside area. Both writings provide the real secret to the meaning of the significance behind the Dome of the Rock. |
Introduction to the Temple Update
- May 2000
Anyone doing research into matters dealing with the location of the Temples of God in Jerusalem must first be aware of some pitfalls that everyone encounters. Some of them deal with fundamental errors (even lies and deliberate falsehoods) that pepper the historical records particularly from the fourth to the thirteen centuries (and there is a good deal of fabrication in sixteenth century literature). These lies are in the main now fully recognized by modern scholars (thankfully), but they still remain in the various texts and must be answered by all of us trying to discover the truths concerning the whereabouts of the Temples. |
How the Jews Started to Lose the Temples' Site
- June 2000
When a person makes the suggestion that Jewish religious authorities and ordinary Jewish laypersons could lose the true site of the Temples for almost eight centuries of history ? their most cherished of buildings (a structure initially constructed by no less than Solomon, then rebuilt by Zerubbabel and finally enlarged by Herod) ? such a conclusion is normally assumed to be an assessment of complete absurdity. |
The Strange Story of the False Wailing Wall
- July 2000
There is absolute proof that the present site of the Jewish "Wailing Wall" in Jerusalem is NOT any part of the Temple that existed in the time of Herod and Jesus. In fact, that particular location that the Jewish authorities have accepted represents the Western Wall of an early Roman fortress (finally built and enlarged by Herod the Great). King Herod called it Fort Antonia, after the famous Mark Anthony who lived at the end of the first century before Christ. It was formerly called the Baris in the proceeding hundred years and it finally became known as the Praetorium in the New Testament period (the central military edifice in Jerusalem where the commanding general of a Legion of troops had his headquarters). This rectangular type of building clearly resembles most permanent military camps that the Romans constructed throughout the Empire to house their Legions. |
The Expansion and Portability of Zion
- August 2000
The city limits of Jerusalem can be extended to include Damascus, Syria. This statement may at first seem absurd and even illogical, but biblical teaching (as understood by early Jewish Rabbis and even by modern biblical interpreters) not only states that this evaluation is true, the Bible even demands that people acknowledge something akin to this in Zechariah 9:1. This may appear to be a strange conclusion because Damascus is located some 130 air miles north and east of present day Jerusalem. Nonetheless, I will show in this research study that Jerusalem can legally (from God's point of view) become a much larger city than the "Jerusalem" we observe at the present over which the Israel and the Palestinians are now contending. |
Lingering Idolatry in the Temple of God
- September 2000
The Sanctuary of God contained idolatrous images that God commanded to be included in the Tabernacle! This preliminary statement may surprise some people who study and love the biblical revelation because of its widespread condemnation of idolatry and its outward teaching of God's adamant strictures against depicting Him in any physical fashion (that is, by making idols, images, statues, pictures, icons, etc.). So stringent is the biblical theme of avoiding idolatry (or, idolatrous ways) that the Israelites were ordered even in the Ten Commandments NOT to make similitudes of ANYTHING in the heavens, of ANYTHING in the earth or of ANYTHING under the earth (that is, of ANYTHING within the seas and oceans) and they were ordered NOT to devote those images to any religious activity in any ritualistic manner. |
The Temple Was a Tower
- December 2000
Excerpts from early historical sources that the Temple was shaped like a TOWER. See the references below. The word TOWER has been highlighted for easy reference. Notice 1) The Epistle of Barnabas, 2) The Book of Enoch; and 3) The Shepherd of Hermas. I give an introduction to all three sources. To see the TEMPLE/TOWER connection, simply scroll (or look) through the texts of the three literary works translated below. There is no specific teaching that I am intending from the texts of the three sources. The display is simply to show that it was common knowledge among Jews and Gentiles (both before and after the time of Christ Jesus) that the Temples were like TOWERS ? like the "Tower of Babel" mentioned in the Book of Genesis. This article is simply to show this. |
A Fountain in the Temple
- January 2020
There are 10 historical sources that show a fountain or a spring of running water was inside the sanctuary of the Temple. These sources expand the important biblical sources. Most of this material is throughout Dr. Ernest Martin's book, "The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot", especially in Chapter 20: "The Original Temple Over the Gihon Spring" and Chapter 21, "Necessary Spring Waters Within the Temples." The historical information strengthens the evidence for the Gihon Temple site. |
A Short History of God's Temples
- May 2018
This article gives a quick survey of God's Temples throughout history both in heaven and on earth. Perhaps a more accurate title would be "A Short History of God's Sanctuaries," but Temples is easier to remember. The Tabernacle was technically a portable sanctuary or Temple. Anywhere YHWH is present in all His creation automatically becomes a Temple or sanctuary of God. Christ Jesus represents YHWH, and speaks fully on YHWH's behalf. His presence, His physical body, is a Temple of God. |
The Damascus Phase of End-Time Prophecy
- June 2011
The western world (and particularly the United States) has been experiencing a period of unprecedented prosperity along with relative peace for the past 15 years. All of you who have been reading my writings over that span (and even before) are aware that I have been stating that this time of prosperity and relative peace was prophesied to occur before the Second Advent of Christ. While that is true, and we still have a few years left of that phase of prophetic teaching, there is coming (and it is just on the horizon) a time of devastating natural disasters that will be a prelude to the major political upheavals predicted in the Book of Revelation. |
Gihon Temple Evidence: Jeff Rense Interview of Ernest Martin
- January 2017
Dr. Ernest L. Martin was interviewed by nationally syndicated radio host Jeff Rense on November 5, 2000. The audio of the program has been online on the "ASK Audio Presentations" webpage for more than a decade. I have transcribed the program as a review of Dr. Martin's Temple important research. I edited the text for space and added footnotes. You can listen to the audio while you read the text. I told Dr. Martin about the Jeff Rense Show sometime in October 2000. He asked me to contact Jeff on his behalf. They spoke by phone, the interview was arranged and the recorded broadcast was conducted by phone. As you will read and hear, both men seemed to have a lively and animated exchange of ideas. |
God's Temples, Present and Future
- July 2018
This article surveys God's present and future Temple structures in heaven and on earth. It will surprise you to learn that one Temple exists on earth today and one in heaven. Others are prophesied to be built in the future. Prophecies from God, whether we fully understand them or not, are future history. Temples of the past and present can give us clues to future Temples of God. All sanctuaries of God represent the presence of God within them. This article is the second of a two-part history of the temples of God. The first article was "A Short History of God? Temples." |
JAWS of the Jerusalem Temples
- November 2021
JAWS? JAWS is an acronym for the four lines of evidence I present for people to understand where all Jerusalem Israelite Temples were located. The Temples were above and just west of the Gihon Springs. The traditional Temple site is on top of the platform containing the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. It is the remains of Fort Antonia during the time of Jesus and the New Testament. The last Temple was from the Herodian period; it was destroyed in 70 AD. |
The Seven Hills of Jerusalem
- February 2000
It was common custom in the centuries before Christ for people in the Roman world to refer to the City of Rome itself as the "City of Seven Hills." The references are numerous and consistent. And indeed, when Romulus and Remus wanted to build a city in the area of the Tibur River (just inland from the coast to afford a greater protection for the city from sea pirates or from the naval warfare of hostile powers), it was divinely selected, in Roman parlance, that the city had to be on "seven hills." The number "seven" was a universal symbol that signified "completion" or "perfection," and the ancients who founded Rome wanted people to know that this particular city was destined to have a world influence and fame, and that it was no ordinary city that was being constructed in the 8th century BC. |
King David's Tomb 2. Best Discoveries
- March 2024
This article examines the BEST discoveries of what might be in the Tombs of David. Each of artifact would greatly expand our understanding of ancient history and prophecy. The discoveries will be made WHEN God wants them revealed, and not before. The artifacts will demonstrate that God exists, driving individuals and whole nations to read their Bibles. God can be very persuasive. They would be foolish to ignore their Creator. |
King David's Tomb 3. House of David
- April 2024
The phrase "House of David" is most often thought to mean the family or descendants of David. It denotes the kingly line of Judah and all those who had David as their physical forefather. David was the forefather of Jesus Who will occupy the Throne of David. However, the phrase "the House of David" can also mean a physical place, a location, which has immense importance if understood correctly in context. This second meaning is the subject of this article. |
King David's Tomb 4. Its Location
- June 2024
The location of the Tomb complex of King David, his immediate family, and successor "good" kings of Judah can be learned easily once the proper site of the Temples of God is acknowledged. Only then will the clues of Scripture and historical sources make sense. Of course, a means to precisely locate the chambers is needed. What is inside the Tombs could change millions of lives. The world would learn that God can preserve His Word, and reveal Himself when He chooses. Millions will worship God, and accept Christ Jesus as their Messiah and Savior starting from Jerusalem. |
King David's Tomb 1. What Is Inside?
- February 2024
What is inside King David's Tomb? King David was the first person buried in a complex of sepulchers with connected chambers. The location of the Tombs of King David, his family, and several royal heirs to his throne can be known once the true site of the Temples of God in the City of David is understood and accepted by the religious and political leaders of Israel. Based on the correct Temple site, the biblical and historical evidence easily locates the tomb complex. |
New Evidence for the Site of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
- May 2021
A new evaluation of the site of the former Temples in Jerusalem is necessary. Neither the Dome of the Rock near the center of the Haram esh-Sharif, nor the Al Aqsa Mosque in the southern side (nor ANY area) was the spot where the Temples of God were located. Biblical and literary accounts place the site of all the Temples over the Gihon Spring, north of the City of David (Zion) on the southeastern ridge of Jerusalem. |
New Finds in Jerusalem
- December 2011
Recent archaeological discoveries give indications of validating research published by Dr. Ernest L. Martin in November 2001, some two months before he died. The discovery involves one of the foundation stones of the Haram esh-Sharif near the southwest corner. This was above the spot where the excavation supervised by Professor Benjamin Mazar began in 1969, with Dr. Martin supervising students from Ambassador College in that summer and for four summers after. If the digging had continued deeper at that time and at that same location, this recent discovery would have been made some four decades ago. |
The Rebuilding of the Temple
- June 2022
This article presents Dr. Martin's information about the rebuilding of the Temple of God in Jerusalem after the destruction of the Solomonic Temple. As Isaiah 44:28-45:13 prophesied, a Persian King named Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem from exile and rebuild the Temple at the same location as the Solomonic and (later) Herodian Temples. This Zerubbabel Temple was the "second" Temple of God. It was not beautiful, but functioned according to the Mosaic Law as a site for sacrifices to YHWH. |
Response to Gihon Temple Objections
- February 2019
Those who oppose the non-traditional site of the Israelite Temples in Jerusalem above and west of the Gihon Spring are afraid. They fear questions from supporters of the Gihon location. As you will read, their evidence is largely based on assumptions with its strongest proofs being traditions of men, not biblical and historical evidence. This articles shows the disdain the traditionalists have for a biblically and historically based site of the Jerusalem Temples. |
How the Siege of Titus Locates the Temple
- March 2019
This detailed research paper by independent author Marilyn Sams is one of several to follow her 2015 book, "The Jerusalem Temple Mount Myth." Her book was inspired by a desire to prove (or disprove) Dr. Ernest Martin's research in "The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot." Ms. Sams wrote a second book in 2017, "The Jerusalem Temple Mount: A Compendium of Ancient Descriptions" expanding the argument in her first book, itemizing and analyzing 375 ancient descriptions of the Temple, Fort Antonia, and environs, all confirming a Gihon location for God? Temples. Her books and articles greatly advance Dr. Martin's arguments. |
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