

In our Web Pages, we give a detailed synopsis of each of our major book offerings. These books are available to the retail customer as well as the trade bookseller, religious book-seller, wholesaler, distributor, library or institutional buyer. We offer a generous discount to the trade. This discount information can be found on the Policies Web Page. A.S.K. is a growing organization with new titles being published all the time. If there is any way we can assist you in better understanding our work, feel free to ASK.

Discount Schedule

A.S.K. offers a discount to the trade on all orders. Please contact ASK for details.

Shipping Policy

A.S.K. ships by any method arranged with the vendor. Our normal shipping procedure is by fourth class mail.

Sales Tax

A.S.K. is headquartered in Oregon which has no sales tax.

Return Policy

A.S.K. offers a 100% money back guarantee. Simply return the books within 45 days of the date on your invoice in resalable condition for a full refund. The refund applies only to the retail price of the books in question and does not include shipping charges.

Payment Policy

A.S.K. requires that all orders be paid 30 days from the date of the invoice. Any modification in payment scheduling must be agreed to in writing. We accept Visa, and MasterCard.

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