The following are Links to Other Pages that ASK feels may
be of value to you. Inclusion in our "LINKS" section does not mean that A.S.K.
is in total agreement with other Link sites or that the other Link sites are in total
agreement with A.S.K. The Internet, thankfully, is a place to discuss all ideas and
philosophies and we provide Links to others that do this:
Websites Honoring Dr. Martin's Work and ASK
Astronomy Links
Electronic Bible Resources
- AUDIO BIBLE, read by Alexander Scourby. -
- AUDIOTREASURE.COM. Audio Bibles in several translations and many languages. Most are downloadable, some to MP3. -
- BIBLE GATEWAY. A mix of many printed and AUDIO bibles in several versions and languages. -
- BLUE LETTER BIBLE. This site has multiple Bible helps for every verse of the Bible. Explore this site to fully understand how to use it. -
- E-SWORD. Free Bible Software. -
- NET BIBLE. This new translation has over 100,000 textual and technical notes. -
- NETS. New English Translation of the Septuagint. First complete English translation of the Greek Septuagint translation in about 200 years. Available online, it is useful for checking differences with the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. -
- NUMERICAL BIBLE. This English translation by Ivan Panin is now available complete online. This 1935 translation (originally published in 1914) maintains the proper manuscript order of: Gospels and Acts, Catholic Epistles, Pauline Epistles, and Revelation. It was the first English translation to incorporate the proper order of the New Testament books. -
- ONLINE BIBLES. A list of online foreign language Bibles . -
- SCRIPTURE4ALL. This Scripture4All website contains the excellent FREE version of ISA, the Interlinear Scripture Analyzer, along with searchable version of the accurate and consistent Concordant Version of the Bible, the King James Version, and Youngs Literal Translation. I highly recommend this program. The Bible analysis components are easily learned, usable, and consistent while providing great analytical tools. -
- THE BIBLE AS MUSIC. Music selections on the playlist span over 1000 years. You might hear familiar portions of Messiah by Handel, cantata movements by Bach, or soaring and seamless choral polyphony from the Renaissance period by composers such as Josquin Desprez and Thomas Tomkins. -
- THE GREAT ISAIAH SCROLL. The entire Qumran (from the Dead Sea Scrolls) Isaiah Scroll is online. A facsimile of each page is displayed for your own viewing and analysis. -
- THE SEPTUAGINT ONLINE. This site has excellent information, photos of complete texts, and translation of the Greek Old Testament, the Septuagint, also known as the LXX. -
- THESAURUS LINGUAE GRAECAE. All available Greek literature is searchable on the internet. -
Complete Books Online (NOTE: for research only, not an endorsement)
- EARLY CHURCH FATHERS. Various authors. Electronic edition of the Early Church Fathers series comprised of:
* Ante-Nicene Fathers (The Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325, in 9 volumes)
* Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series I (St. Augustine, in 8 Volumes and St. Chrysostom, in 6 Volumes)
* Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series II (in 14 volumes). -
- FIGURES OF SPEECH USED IN THE BIBLE by E.W. Bullinger, 1898. This book provides information regarding the use of idioms and figurative language in the Bible. Such linguistic forms are identified, listed, and explained to increase your understanding of biblical words. -
- JERUSALEM: THE TOPOGRAPHY, ECONOMICS, AND HISTORY FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO A.D. 70, vol. I. 1908 by George Adam Smith. The great geographer gives background about Jerusalem and its history. -
- JERUSALEM: THE TOPOGRAPHY, ECONOMICS, AND HISTORY FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO A.D. 70, vol. II. 1908 by George Adam Smith. This is volume 2 of the geography of Jerusalem. -
- RATS, LICE, AND HISTORY - 1935 Hans Zizsser. This classic book on the effect of disease on historical events and societies is still valid today. Simple prose and good historical information makes it a fascinating and an easy to read book. The PDF of this book can be downloaded complete to your own computer. -
- THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF UNIVERSALISM, FROM THE TIME OF THE APOSTLES, TO ITS CONDEMNATION IN THE FIFTH GENERAL COUNCIL, A.D. 553, by Hosea Ballou, Boston, 1829. This book presents the history of the belief of universal salvation in the ecclesia of God. It gives evidence that the majority of believers understood and believed in the eventual salvation of every human being. I prefer Hanson's book, but this one is an excellent resource. This Google book can be downloaded in its entirety for free. -
- THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE DOCTRINE OF ENDLESS PUNISHMENT. 1881 by Thomas B. Thayer, New and enlarged edition. Boston: Universalist Publishing House. This excellent book shows the historical development of the doctrine of hell and endless punishment. This book is complete and online in several downloadable formats.
- UNIVERSALISM, THE PREVAILING DOCTRINE OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH DURING ITS FIRST FIVE HUNDRED YEARS, by John Wesley Hanson, Universalist publishing house, 1899. Excellent book about the history of the belief of universal reconciliation in the ecclesia of God. The majority of believers during this early period understood in the universal salvation of all men. Also, the PDF of this book can be downloaded. -
- WITNESS OF THE STARS, 4th edition, by E.W. Bullinger, 1921. This interesting book compiles the work of other authors (with Bullinger's own contributions) regarding the "Gospel in the Stars" that tells of the plan of God written in the heavens by the names of the stars. This intriguing theory is unproven because there can be no certainty as to the original star names in Hebrew before Moses. -
Information on Modern Nations
- BBC COUNTRY PROFILES - This site gives excellent basic information (with maps) about countries and important regions around the world. -
- CIA, THE WORLD FACTBOOK - Similar to the BBC Country Profiles above, this website provides basic information about countries and regions around the world (with maps) provided by the United States Central Intelligence Agency. -
- COUNTRY DESCRIPTIONS from the economic weekly journal The Economist. -
- ENERGY INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION - Petroleum basic statistics from a U.S. government website containing information on world oil production and usage. You may need to search this website for the energy statistics you seek. -
- ENERGY INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION - World Energy Statistics. Excellent maps, charts, and graphs of current energy statistics from around the world. -
- MIDDLE EAST MILITARY BALANCE. Database of militaries of the various Middle East nations. Maintained by The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) at Tel Aviv University, Israel. -
- WEEKLY RAILFAX RAIL CARLOAD REPORT. This site shows trends of economic activity. It monitors weekly totals of railcar usage in North America, but mostly in the United States. Scroll down to 'Total Industry Charts,' and particularly to the 'Weekly Loaded Units, 4 Week Rolling Averages' to see 2-year trends of railcar usage. -
- WORLD POLITICAL MAP. Many political maps are kept up to date on the CIA website. It is useful to reference political relationships between nations. Download this PDF file to your personal computer for easy access. -
Community Forums
Historical Links
- "On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ." An article reprinted from JAMA - The Journal of the American Medical Association, March 21, 1986, Volume 256 -
- ABZU. A guide to the rapidly increasing, and widely distributed data relevant to the study and public presentation of the Ancient Near East via the Internet. A comprehensive series of references by the staff of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago resources on the Ancient Near East. -
- BibArch - The Premier Biblical Archaeology Web Site -
- Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem. This site has an excellent virtual tour of ancient artifacts in their museum. -
- has excellent photographs of various biblical locations. -
- CHRISTIAN CLASSICS ETHERIAL LIBRARY - Classic Christian books and publications online. -
- Early Christian Writings. Background information and texts of various early Christian authors and their works. -
- Early Church Fathers, additional texts not in Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers collection. -
- Early Jewish Writings -
- Internet Ancient History Sourcebook -
- INTO HIS OWN. Perspective on the World of Jesus. Excellent but short historical background articles relating to the New Testament era. -
- Lambert Dolphin's Resource Files -
- LIVIUS: ARTICLES ON ANCIENT HISTORY. Excellent, readable and relatively short articles on various aspects of ancient history. CLICK ON THE TAB FOR "JUDEA." -
- Madaba Map of Jerusalem -
- Noncanonical Literature -
- Over 300 Virtual Tours & Museums around the World -
- Perseus Digital Library -
- has a great deal of information about the people and history of Phoenicia, as talked about in Dr. Martin's book THE PEOPLE THAT HISTORY FORGOT. This site goes deeply into all aspects of Phoenician Canaanite religion concepts and practices. -
- Place of the Holy Temple: Its Real Location? Thise site incorporates Dr. Martin's Temple location above and west of the Gihon Springs. -
- Pompei, A Virtual Tour. The Roman city of Pompei is close to the present city of Naples in Italy. Pompei was destroyed on August 24, 79 C.E. by the nearby volcano Vesuvius which buried the city in ash. The city was uncovered in the 1700s and archaeologists continue the work to uncover more and more of the city. This website gives excellent insight into Roman city life in the 1st century C.E. The city of Pompei was contemporary with Jerusalem (which was destroyed 9 years earlier in 70 C.E. by the Roman army). The photos are excellent and the commentary is insightful. -
- Resources Page for Biblical Studies -
- Soncino Babylonian Talmud, portions -
- Synagogues in Ancient Literature -
- The Babylonian Talmud, a history. -
- The Babylonian Talmud, portions. -
- The Catholic Encyclopedia is a classic 1908 reference work. New Advent is the homepage of this reconstructed work for the Internet. -
- The Internet Sacred Text Archive -
- The Koran Online. This makes the Koran searchable. It is on an University of Virginia website. -
- This webpage gives a sample page of the Babylonian Talmud. It is in Hebrew with section descriptions. -
- TWO BABYLONS or The Papal Worship
Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife by Alexander Hislop (1853/1858). This book is flawed, but provides some interesting references and resources. I recommend the Google scan of the hardcover edition because it contains all of the illustrations. It is searchable. -
- University of Chicago's Oriental Institute Electronic Resources, texts and virtual museum. -
- University of Chicago's Oriental Institute has an excellent webpage of photographs from 2002 to 2004 from Iraq. This site is slow to load. -
- Website of the Shrine of the Book housed at the Israel Museum Jerusalem. This permanent exhibit is the home of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Good historical background about the Scrolls. -
Science and Discovery (other than Astronomy)
- Discovery Institute Link. This is a major resource and website for Intelligent Design studies. -
Theological Links