Dear Associates, Students and Friends:
The grand and mature teaching of Christianity that the apostle Paul called "the Mystery" (the Great Secret that God had kept from the knowledge of mankind from the time of Adam until A.D.63) is the final revelation of God that informs mankind they are destined to be deified and to sit on the right hand of the Father ("in Christ Jesus") governing the entirety of this universe for all time to come (Ephesians 2:6). It is a glorious teaching that represents the fully developed and complete revelation of the Gospel of Christ for humanity until Christ Jesus appears once again from heaven to begin the Kingdom of God on earth. This time is known as the Millennium, and it is fast approaching on the prophetic calendar.
The greatest impediment to the establishment of this final and mature teaching of Christ to the world is the established religious denominations that presently desire to dominate the doctrines that they want their members to recognize and to observe. The Christian leaders of the various denominations do not want to teach the fulness of the Gospel known as "the Mystery" because it takes away their authority to rule and to supervise (and to exact tithes and monies from) the laity whom they want to govern. The prime obstacle to getting out this wonderful truth of the Gospel is the resistance of the religious heads of denominations to reveal it to their members. Even ministers and priests cannot teach "the Mystery."
Regardless of what most church leaders refuse to teach (even when they know the truth), I plan to reveal the fulness of the Gospel of Christ as best I can. This is why ASK needs your continual support in our efforts to educate people into the real doctrines of God that He has granted to mankind. The greatest curse, however, in preventing the whole world from knowing this glorious and wonderful truth of the mature Gospel of Christ is the religious authorities themselves who control the denominations. They want people to believe that they are the ordained ones of God who should be obeyed in all things (or in most things involving the exercise of essential government matters within the Body of Christ). This concept is one of the principal deterrents to the teaching of the whole truth of God. Even I, in the past, was afflicted with error through my own approval of this false concept. Let me explain what I mean.
When I first discovered the importance of the Scriptures in my life over 47 years ago (when I was attending the University of New Mexico in a United States government program to train Meteorologists for the Air Force), my reading of the Scriptures showed me that Christ’s teaching was to restore all humanity into a "saved relationship" with Him and the Father. In a word, I was able to realize almost immediately that God was (through Christ) going to save not only "all Israel," but also "all mankind." Though I came to see this truth very early, there was yet much more that I did not understand. One such thing was "church authority." When I read that Christ said He would build His church and that the gates of hades would never prevail against it (Matthew 16), I began to ask myself where that true "church" was. Finally, the organization that seemed best to fit the bill was one called (at that time) the Radio Church of God and later the Worldwide Church of God. I eventually joined that church denomination. I believed with all my heart that it was indeed "the Church of God" that Jesus said He would build so that mankind would finally come to a knowledge of all the truth. The human head of that church finally thought of himself as God’s only true apostle to govern all activities in the church, including doctrine.
For 18 years I believed that the Worldwide Church of God was certainly that true and only church that Christ had raised up for man. It was only in 1973 that I came to see that the leadership of that church was not going to accept some truths of the Gospel (that I long thought they would). When I clearly saw their resistance to accepting the plain truths of the Holy Scriptures, I began to express opposition to the government within that church. But my "battles of wills" were still promoted within the boundaries of fairness, honesty and loyalty to the leaders of that church. I took my justified complaints directly to the leaders, and NOT to the laity because that was forbidden by the hierarchy. It was only when the leaders rejected what I considered to be the central truths of God (that I thought they would accept) that I left that church in January, 1974. I came to realize that Jesus did "build His church" but that "ekklesia" had its headquarters in heaven and it was NOT ruled by men on earth. Only Jesus (not man) was the head.
From then on, I began to teach the fulness of the Gospel as I understood it without restraint or wavering. I do not apologize for NOT telling the laity within my 18 years of membership in the Worldwide Church the real truths of God in a public way (I always told people privately if they asked, and without hesitation) because everyone of us was ordered by the leaders that ministers should not teach new doctrines to the laity until such teachings were presented to and approved by the leaders in that church (whom we believed to be Christ’s representatives). We thought the ministers had to be obeyed even if they did not fully understand some truths. As for me, I was faithful to that erroneous concept for 18 years. I did not know better at the time. Now I do recognize the error. I will never be subject to such nonsense again. Still, I do not disparage the wonderful training (in basic and infant teachings) that I received while being a member of that church. It was my spiritual Elementary School and High School.
The simple fact is, I have had to grow in grace and in knowledge just like the apostle Peter told all of us to do (II Peter 3:18). You have had to do the same thing. In doing this, I have always tried to be faithful to the Father and Christ Jesus and honoring them (even unknowingly in erroneous ways – that is, when I was an honest but ignorant member of the Worldwide Church). What was principally wrong with that church denomination was its government. The leaders of the church denied their members the right to study the Scriptures on their own and to know what the real truths of God really were. But now, if anyone wants to know the right approach to authority in all matters involving "church," read my new book "The Essentials of New Testament Doctrine." That research puts in your hands the teachings of the Holy Scriptures that all of you can understand in a clear and simple way. I hope that all of you will read this new book. It will keep you a "free person" and protected from the domination of men who claim to be (falsely) the ministers of Christ. There is no human who is a mediator between you and the Father than Christ Jesus (I Timothy 2:4-6). Stand fast in your liberty that you have in Christ (Galatians 5:1).
I have something extra and brand new to offer all of you for August. I have just finished a new series of four lectures that I have recorded on cassette tapes called "Jeremiah and Prophecy." This is the most up-to-date treatment of these important prophecies for our time today. If you want to know what is prophesied for the few years just in advance of us, you will need to hear these tapes (or read the lectures in written transcript). These four cassette tapes have been made in a professional sound studio and they are packaged in a cassette album. I also have hired a typist to transcribe all four tapes into a reading format. On September first of this year, I will then offer these four tapes in their convenient packaging for $19.95 plus postage and shipping of $3.50, and with the four written transcripts for an extra $10. But until that time, I want to offer all of you on the regular mailing list this package of four tapes as an extra bonus on a contribution basis that you determine. All I ask is that you send your regular contributions as you normally do. But since this is a large extra packet of material, I want to ask a favor of my friends and brethren. I would appreciate it if you can provide more than your normal contributions (to help us with the extra expenses of the gratis and near gratis tapes requested by our associates who have little or no funds to send). Still, I want this offer to be on a free-will contribution basis. Any offering will help us pay for this cassette album of four tapes and transcripts. This packet on the prophecies of Jeremiah is so important that I do not want to deny anyone the opportunity of getting the prophetic information. If you wish this extra packet, send back the enclosed coupon. We at ASK want to be proper servants of God.
Also for August I am offering my new "Doctrinal Report": "Is Being Poor a Curse from God?" This is a Report that all should read. All of us desire to be free from any curse from God. You need to order this new Report. Thank you from my heart for all of you who stand behind ASK with your contributions and prayers. I am deeply grateful. May the blessings of God be with you.
Ernest L. Martin
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