ASK Commentary
October 1, 2005 

Jesus Is the Messiah

Commentary for October 1, 2005 — How Quickly Forgotten 

The fact that Jesus is the Messiah of God is generally known and acknowledged by every new believer — and then is quickly forgotten by most. The good and proper word “Christ” (which means “Messiah”) rapidly diminishes in our consciousness as “Christ” becomes Jesus’ last name. The full implication, impact, and import of the word “Christ” is soon replaced by a vague “Christ concept” and molded by the traditions of men into some amorphous (and pagan) trinitarian theology. 

Further, the full force of Jesus as Messiah, as the Christ, is diminished when reading and thinking of the New Testament in its current out-of-order presentation as shown in most every printed Bible in existence today. This is unfortunate because the New Testament fully proclaims that Jesus is the expected Messiah of God. 

That message of Jesus’ Messiahship is most clearly understood when the New Testament is read in the proper order of presentation as Dr. Ernest L. Martin shows from the internal scriptural evidence in his book Restoring the Original Bible (available online or in printed book form). That proclamation in the New Testament of Jesus as Messiah also contains within it the proofs of the Messiahship of Jesus. Those proofs are the accounts found throughout the Gospels and Epistles, written or validated by the very participants and eyewitnesses themselves. 

The ASK October 2005 Newsletter introduces the article for this month, “Christ and Messiah.” Jesus Christ is not only the Savior of you personally; He is the Messiah of the Jews and of the Nations.

David Sielaff

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