Temple Lecture Success in Dundee, Scotland
Commentary for April 25, 2003 — The Temple Presentation Well-Received
I had the great honor to give a presentation of Dr. Ernest L. Martin’s evidence about the location of the Jerusalem Temples above and west of the Gihon Spring to the “5th International Academic Conference on Islamic Jerusalem 2003” sponsored by the Al-Maktoum Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies in Dundee, Scotland, on April 21st, 2003. My lecture was titled “The Jewish Temples above the Gihon Spring: 1700 Years of Eyewitness Evidence.”
My presentation was followed by Professor George Wesley Buchanan who strongly supported Dr. Martin’s evidence with his paper and lecture, “The Temple Near the Spring of Siloam: Its Biblical Confirmation and Insights.” Each lecture complemented the other and the reaction of the audience was an exciting revelation [if I may use that term] to the audience, with challenging questions that went immediately to the political issues regarding Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount (the true and the false sites). In general I presented the historical evidence and Professor Buchanan presented the biblical evidence.
The Conference was organized and introduced by Professor Abd al-Fattah El-Awaisi, the Principal and Vice Chancellor of the Al-Maktoum Institute. He spoke on “Exploring the Identity of Islamic Jerusalem.” Professor El-Awaisi explained that the Islamic concept of Jerusalem want far beyond the borders of the immediate city; an intriguing insight and evidence.
Background to the Conference
Dr. Martin invited me to join him in Scotland when he was originally scheduled to lecture at the Al-Maktoum Institute Conference in October 2001. The attacks of September 11, 2001 caused the Conference to be postponed to an unknown later date.
The Conference was not rescheduled until last autumn when I received a phone call asking me to present Dr. Martin’s Jerusalem Temple evidence in his place. At that time I suggested that Professor Buchanan also be invited because he had much useful and supportive evidence to present. Professor El-Awaisi was greatly pleased to follow my suggestion. The proposed time for the Conference was in April 2003.
For me, presenting at this Conference was a somewhat bittersweet experience because, although Dr. Martin’s death prevented his presence, the important substance of his evidence that he developed so well in his book The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot was presented to a new and important audience. I am gratified that the response and the event were so positive.
The Conference
The day-long Conference was attended by some 70 scholars. English/Arabic translation was provided for all participants. Three other lectures were presented in addition to those of Professor Buchanan, Professor El-Awaisi and my own. Two members of the British Parliament also attended. The Conference was recorded for broadcast the next day by Dubai Television. Shaikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum of Dubai is the chief patron of the Institute and the Conference.
The lectures presented to the conference will be published in both English and Arabic in the next edition of the Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies produced by the Islamic Research Academy (ISRA). My presentation was a highly graphic PowerPoint presentation that I will modify into a written document for publication as soon as I return home.
I intend to put my graphic presentation on the ASK Website (website space allowing). It also might be possible to obtain a copy of the English portion of television broadcast of my presentation to put up on the ASK Website. We shall see which works best.
Many excellent contacts were made with enthusiastic attendees that may lead to other invitations to give presentations to other audiences and individuals, constantly improving and modifying my lecture and presentation. These contacts may help the timely and important information about the true sites of the Jerusalem Temples (and other ASK information) to get out to a larger audience around the world.
I am grateful for the hospitality that the organizers of the Conference extended to Professor Buchanan and myself. The technical and physical arrangements on our behalf were excellent as was the special hospitality of the Conference hosts.
Other Tasks
While traveling I am attempting to find ways to have The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot translated and published in various languages. The ASK audience will be notified when these arrangements begin to bear fruit (and not before that time). Important contacts are also being made in other areas and for other projects.
The People That History Forgot
Weekly chapter-by-chapter publication of Dr. Martin’s book, The People That History Forgot is beginning its appearance on the ASK Website. If you have not read this book, now is your opportunity to do so. One chapter each week will be placed on the ASK Website for your education and learning. Be sure to view the Table of Contents, look at the sources that Dr. Martin used and familiarize yourself with the forematerial of the first installment of the book, just appearing this week.
David Sielaff
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