December Newsletter & Article
Breaking News for December 1, 2002
The December 2002 Newsletter and the last article written by Ernest Martin before his death, "The 'Great Generation' and Modern Prophecy" are now available. This article explains a NEW element in the prophetic/chronological framework that adds a significant dimension to our understanding, and explains why prophetic fulfillments sometime appear to be "delayed."
NOTE: A NEW WEBSITE FEATURE - THE TITHING DILEMMA Book Online! Now available on the ASK Website. See the lower right "windowpane" on the ASK homepage. The entire book The Tithing Dilemma will be presented over several weeks. The chapters comprising the book show you the true biblical nature of tithing, and not the fantasies that religious leaders have foisted upon the unsuspecting "sheep" of their flocks. Tithing is not for us today, no matter WHO says otherwise. Get the correct biblical information. That is why ASK is run on free-will offerings, augmented by sales of study materials.
REMINDER: ALL ASK books are available. If you have an older edition of Essentials of New Testament Doctrine you should obtain the latest edition (2001) which contains new, updated information from earlier editions, and has a better presentation.
David Sielaff
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