A.S.K. Holds Meeting
A good crowd of 28 amiable and gracious people attended the meeting for ASK on Saturday, July 13, 2002. The crowd was animated and filled the rented room. The videotaped presentations by me, David Sielaff, as Editorial Director of ASK, and the ASK webmaster Chip Chuprinko, were well received.
The 2˝ hour meeting will be put on the internet in small sections of about 20–30 minutes each. It will be broken down into reasonable topic groups. The meeting video should go up on the ASK website in 2–3 weeks.
At that time I will put up an outline of the meeting on “Breaking News.” In the meantime, the format of my presentation covered the following topics,
In my presentation I discussed the history of ASK and my own background, as well as the current situation and intentions, God willing, to produce substantial material in the future. I discussed the various initiatives that ASK would conduct in the near future, including attempts to reach a larger audience for Dr. Martin's works. We are not just maintaining the status quo, as you will see, but we are endeavoring strenuously to move forward and expand the work of ASK.
- Introduction
- Past of ASK
- Present situation of ASK
- Future of ASK
- Conclusion
I concluded by discussing the role of ASK as an educational institution (as well as other organizations he was involved with prior to ASK) as envisioned by Dr. Martin in the year before his death. This involves the role of Dr. Martin's entire body of work for the past 35+ years of biblical study and education. To begin to understand those two roles, review the ASK newsletters from January 2001 to January 2002.
Chip Chuprinko gave his presentation on the development of the ASK website, its success thus far and technological improvements that ASK will be able to use in the near future. He then answered questions about the website. After Chip finished I answered a few more questions.
Ramona and I want to thank everyone who attended. Your participation made the meeting considerably more enjoyable for us than just a “taping session.” It is always better to have an interested audience than to talk into a camera lens or to a wall. Most of all I was able meet a small cross-section of the devoted ASK supporters across the nation, and indeed the world. This is because ASK has supporters around the world, not just in the United States, Canada and England.
Special thanks go to Karl and Donna Hampton who did a marvelous 2-camera videotaping of the presentation. Their skills and professionalism made the entire endeavor appear easy.
In closing, I think you will be pleased with the result as we were, but most of all with the information the video will give to all of you — the Associates for Scriptural Knowledge — about the current situation and future of ASK.
We will inform you as soon as the video will be available for viewing on this website. No videos will be distributed, the presentation will only be viewable and available on the ASK website.
Thank you all for your continued interest and support.
David Sielaff
Ramona Martin/ASK
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