Regarding the New Year Ahead - 2002
QUESTION TWELVE: "What major event is prophesied for the New Year of 2002? Will the September 11th tragedy bring in a new aspect in thinking in how we treat other people who are not of our faiths or ethnic groups? Just what is prophesied in the Holy Scriptures?"
ANSWER TO QUESTION TWELVE: "Jesus told us in Matthew 24 that it is not for us to know the hour or the day for the precise occurrence of the End-Time prophecies, but we can know them in a general way. I have not the slightest doubt that this very year just on the horizon will be the turning point for a new thrust in religious teachings within the world. New ways of looking at things (especially those doctrinal and prophetic factors mentioned in the Bible) will begin to develop in people's minds. A new way of looking at the Holy Scriptures is needed, and the time has come for it to happen.
"People will begin to understand for the first time that the present religious denominations of the three major Abrahamic groups (the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims) have many faults associated with them. All three groups have glaring errors in some of their mainline doctrines and customs, and these faults are NOT simply confined to a single group. All of them need to change drastically in their belief systems because all have inherited outright lies and utter nonsense throughout the periods of their "dark age" history in regard to many of their customs, their holy places where they worship and the religious organizational governments that rule their societies. The world is prophesied to "wise up" to the profound errors of these mainline establishment religions (whether Christian, Jewish or Muslim) and the general public will soon begin to demand that all three of the Abrahamic faiths begin to mend their ways. It could well begin next year in 2002. This coming year may be the turning point. True, it will take a few years (even a score of years) for the religious authorities to change their ways entirely, but even this is prophesied to occur before the Second Advent of Christ back to this earth.
"Keep watching the ASK Web Page because we will keep you up-to-date on the progress of this change in attitudes and beliefs that is destined to take place. I believe the change will start (in a low-key manner) sometime in the next year or in the next one or two following. Let us keep our eyes on world events as Christ Jesus told us to do. We are living in exciting times.
"Especially keep your attention to what is happening in Jerusalem because that area is the center of prophecy for the next few years in advance of us. The world is about to experience a major alteration in their religious observance and belief. These alterations in belief will involve all three of the Abrahamic faiths. This very time in which we live is relevant for this revolution to commence. Watch what happens in 2002 in matters dealing with Jerusalem and Judaism (but also within Christianity and Islam). The world is ready for some major changes for the better. And God prophesies they will happen. You are a part of these events of the End-Time. They will involve you personally and that of your family. The world is getting "smaller." All of us on earth are going to be involved in these outstanding events just on the horizon. For all of us Christians, we can be joyful at the outcome. Get ready for God to intervene in world affairs as never before. And remember, Time Marches On."
Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D.
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