Secrets of Golgotha


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on Secrets of Golgotha

In 1996 Dr. Ernest L. Martin published the second edition of his book, Secrets of Golgotha: the Lost History of Jesus' Crucifixion presented here free in PDF format.

In 1997 Dr. Martin began publishing his research on the true location of the Jerusalem Temples.

In 2000 he published his book The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot. It presents powerful evidence that all the Israelite Temples were located south of the traditional temple mount site at the Haram esh-Sharif.

After Temples was published, Dr. Martin and other researchers produced articles giving additional evidence supporting his work. That research is found on the "Temple Update Articles Index" page of this website.

Due to his Temple research, the understanding in Secret of Golgotha about the site of the crucifixion and Jesus' tomb should be shifted further south on the Mount of Olives, directly east of the Gihon Spring across the Kidron Valley. The Temple was located above the Gihon at the top of the hill in the City of David.

Dr. Martin's research on the correct site of Golgotha and the Temple have profound implications for biblical understanding of doctrine, history, symbolism, and prophecy.

David Sielaff, Director, Associates for Scriptural Knowledge

ASK is grateful to our contributors who make it possible for this book to be posted free Online for you. It is to be read and printed for personal study only, and is made available for study search on the ASK website. Any use of this book other than for your personal study without the express written permission by Associates for Scriptural Knowledge is strictly forbidden. 


Chapter Content and Audio Tracks for this book:

Chapter Title (Click to read online)

Read by Tom Parks
Read by Charlie Corder
blue star marker Opening Credits MP3 --
blue star marker Introduction MP3 --
blue star marker Foreward MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 1 - The Geographical Key to Jesus' Crucifixion MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 2 - The Camp of Israel MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 3 - The Importance of the Red Heifer Sacrifice MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 4 - The Astronomical Importance of the Camp MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 5 - The Jewish Place of Execution in Jerusalem MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 6 - The Place of Roman Execution MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 7 - Tearing of the Temple Curtain MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 8 - A Significant Geographical Indication MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 9 - Where and What was Golgotha? MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 10 - Historical Records and the Mount of Olives MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 11 - Where Was the Sanhedrin Located? MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 12 - The Sanhedrin and the Mount of Olives MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 13 - Abraham, Isaac and the Mount of Olives MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 14 - Christian Beliefs and the Mount of Olives MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 15 - The New Mount Zion for Christians MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 16 - Visions, Dreams and Signs MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 17 - The Counterfeit Golgotha MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 18 - Accepting the Site of the Temple of Venus MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 19 - Why the Temple of Venus? MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 20 - Burial Grounds in Jerusalem MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 21 - The Manner of Jesus' Crucifixion MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 22 - The Surprising Cause of Jesus' Death MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 23 - The Real Jesus of the Bible MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 24 - The New Jesus of the Fourth Century MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 25 - The Year of Jesus' Crucifixion MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 26 - Temple Rituals and the Crucifixion MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 27 - The Spiritual Significance of Golgotha MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 28 - What Difference Does it Make? MP3 MP3
blue star marker Chapter 29 - Epilogue MP3 MP3
blue star marker Addendum 1 - The Year of Jesus' Death MP3 MP3
blue star marker Addendum 2 - Jesus and Modern Judaism MP3 MP3
blue star marker Closing Credits MP3 --

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