ASK Books
The Tithing Dilemma 

Associates for Scriptural Knowledge
P.O. Box 25000
Portland, OR 97298-0990
Phone: 503-292-4352

Christians often do not realize a major point of the Bible in regard to the laws of tithing, though it is easy to recognize what this significant point is. Even in simple teachings of the Scripture, it is shown that it is not lawful for any Christian to tithe to a church, to a preacher or to a priest today. Not only that, if any preacher, evangelist or priest asks for and receives the ordained tithe of the Bible, those church authorities are guilty of breaking God's law. This book will reveal the interesting truth about the tithing laws of the Bible that the church leaders do not want the laity to know. Most people will be amazed at how misled they have been by the ecclesiastical authorities in regard to this matter of tithing. This is one book that all Christians who are interested in sound biblical doctrine should have for reference and for study. It makes the Bible make sense.

Potential markets for this book will be those interested in financial matters relating to proper giving and charity and those seeking to understand the biblical plans and parameters for financing religious enterprises.

Prices Details Reference
$18.95 US ASK #: BK06 ISBN: 0-945657-97-8


Table of Contents
Chapter Number and Title Book Page
Statements of Fact on Tithing 5
  1 The Sin of Tithing Today 7
  2 The Real Tithe of the Bible 10
  3 Jews Do Not Tithe Today 13
  4 The Dilemma facing Christian Ministers 16
  5 A History of Tithing 20
  6 The Mosaic Law of Tithing 26
  7 Tithing in the Wilderness and Canaan 30
  8 The Levites Place in Society 36
  9 "Stealing from God?" 40
10 The New Testament and Tithing 48
11 Financing the Work of Christian Organizations 54
12 A Change in the Law? 60
13 The Legal Position of Christians Today 67
14 Financing a Church Organization 72

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