ASK Books
Secrets of Golgotha 

Associates for Scriptural Knowledge
P.O. Box 25000
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This book reveals brand new discoveries that precisely locate the site where Christ was crucified and resurrected from the dead. Some may say that it makes no difference where the place was in the Jerusalem area as long as we know and believe that Christ did in fact die for our sins. But when the true site is recognized, a new understanding of the Gospel of Christ emerges on the scene which enlightens our comprehension of what the Gospel itself is all about. It brings together much typical teaching of the Old Testament into a living reality by revealing new views of the works that Christ did while he was on earth, and what he did for mankind at Calvary. This book has extensive historical research to show that the people of the fourth century were deceived in selecting the present day Church of the Holy Sepulchre. This 462 page book has a great deal of carefully researched information that will make the biblical messages come alive as never before. It shows that the teachings of the New Testament about the crucifixion are historically true. It presents a central key to understanding the whole of the Bible.

Potential markets include those interested in Bible history, archaeology, students of late Roman Empire, Bible students, theologians and professors or history.

The following Is a review by Prof. W. H. C. Frend (one of the top ecclesiastical historians In the world) in the Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Cambridge University, England, Vol.40, No.3, July 1989, p.449.

Secrets of Golgotha The forgotten history of Christ’s crucifixiom By Ernest L. Martin, Pp.280, incl.10 ills. Alhambra. Ca: ASK Publications, 1988, 0 945657 77 3. "Where was Golgotha? Critical opinion has decided to hesitate between two loci in Jerusalem, one the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the other a small hill north-east of Damascus Gate. The author points out the unsatisfactory nature of the evidence favouring the Holy Sepulchre site. It was arrived at by Constantine through dreams and visions and happened to coincide with the area of the Temple of Venus erected by the Emperor Hadrian after AD 135, a cult which he abominated. Even Eusebius thought it was a choice ‘contrary to expectation’ (Life of Constantine iii.28), but Helena’s successful archaeology on the site stilled criticism, and the great memorial Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built 329-35, was the result.

The author examines in detail the New Testament narrative. If some may think that the rending or the temple veil and other accompaniments of the crucifixion (Matt. xxvii. 50-1) are taken too literally, other evidence supports an alternative site. If the huge veil described as 55 cubits high and 16 cubits wide was rent, this could be seen only from the east side or Jerusalem. Then, Johns vivid description of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion mentions the latter as being ‘near the Place (topos) of the City’ (John xix. 19-20) and topos was in this context synonymous with the temple. The writer of Hebrews indicates that the punishment was inflicted ’outside the camp’ (Hebr. xiii. 11) as required in Num. xix. 1-22, relating to sin offerings. A malefactor condemned to death was his own sin offering. Altogether, evidence points cumulatively to a hillock near the southern summit of the Mount of Olives as the place of execution, a place held in veneration by Christians until Constantine’s massive building programme in the city. For once, Jewish and Roman requirements had coincided, for Roman justice demanded the execution of criminals near the scene of their crime, and Jesus was believed to have based himself on the Mount of Olives during his ministry in Jerusalem.

It is all neatly tied up, with other interesting speculations, such as the possible priestly status of Judas Iscariot, and the reconstruction reads more convincingly than Constantine’s visions. However, though not ‘straining at a gnat’, one may feel that this concentrated and ably conducted single-issue inquiry could have been best pursued in an article. In a full-length book repetition of argument becomes tedious. A useful piece of scholarly research need not be prolix to be effective." 

W. H. C. Frend

Prices Details Reference
$28.95 US ASK #: BK01 ISBN: 0-945657-86-2

Selected Reviews

 "a good contribution to the study of Jerusalem of the Herodian period and the New Testament and especially to the topographical indications and data." - Benjamin Mazar, Prof. Emeritus, Hebrew University.
 "the reconstruction (in the book) reads more convincingly than Constantine's visions." Dr.W.H.C. Frend, Journal of Eccles. History

on Secrets of Golgotha

In 1996 Dr. Ernest L. Martin published the second edition of his book, Secrets of Golgotha: the Lost History of Jesus' Crucifixion presented here free in PDF format.

In 1997 Dr. Martin began publishing his research on the true location of the Jerusalem Temples.

In 2000 he published his book The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot. It presents powerful evidence that all the Israelite Temples were located south of the traditional temple mount site at the Haram esh-Sharif.

After Temples was published, Dr. Martin and other researchers produced articles giving additional evidence supporting his work. That research is found on the "Temple Update Articles Index" page of this website.

Due to his Temple research, the understanding in Secret of Golgotha about the site of the crucifixion and Jesus' tomb should be shifted further south on the Mount of Olives, directly east of the Gihon Spring across the Kidron Valley. The Temple was located above the Gihon at the top of the hill in the City of David.

Dr. Martin's research on the correct site of Golgotha and the Temple have profound implications for biblical understanding of doctrine, history, symbolism, and prophecy.

David Sielaff, Director, Associates for Scriptural Knowledge

Table of Contents
Chapter Number and Title Book Page
     Table of Contents and Foreword 1
  1 The Geographical Key to Jesus' Crucifixion 9
  2 The Camp of Israel 33
  3 The Importance of the Red Heifer Sacrifice 43
  4 The Astronomical Importance of the Camp 52
  5 The Jewish Place of Execution in Jerusalem 64
  6 The Place of Roman Execution 72
  7 Tearing of the Temple Curtain 80
  8 A Significant Geographical Indication 89
  9 Where and What was Golgotha 96
10 Historical Records and the Mount of Olives 104
11 Where Was the Sanhedrin Located? 111
12 The Sanhedrin and the Mount of Olives 129
13 Abraham, Isaac and the Mount of Olives 145
14 Christian Beliefs and the Mount of Olives 161
15 The New Mount Zion for Christians 175
16 Visions, Dreams and Signs 198
17 The Counterfeit Golgotha 220
18 Accepting the Site of the Temple of Venus 237
19 Why the Temple of Venus? 252
20 Burial Grounds in Jerusalem 274
21 The Manner of Jesus' Crucifixion 288
22 The Surprising Cause of Jesus' Death 306
23 The Real Jesus of the Bible 328
24 The New Jesus of the Fourth Century 345
25 The Year of Jesus' Crucifixion 358
26 Temple Rituals and the Crucifixion 371
27 The Spiritual Significance of Golgotha 382
28 What Difference Does it Make? 401
29 Epilogue 407
     Addendum One: The Year of Jesus' Death 414
     Addendum Two: Jesus and Modern Judaism 438
     Select Bibliography 448
     Index 451

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